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Wilco.    Noteworthy as this is my 100th Wilco show. 

Despite all the controversy with the Springsteen tickets I managed to score decent seats on the verified fan sale in about 10 minutes yesterday. I got ADA seats 4 rows back behind the stage. Those sea

Richard Thompson

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Ha! I didn't notice any Lucas boogers, but I was 5th row in right center and staring at that Jamie Johnson guy all night. I would put up a photo but file size is too large, just like him takes a lot of storage to get a shot of him!

Despite all the snickers from the peanut gallery :wave , was a great show for everyone in the house for sure. I've grown up with The Last Waltz soundtrack and movie, zillions of plays, so I was totally into seeing this collection of musicians play that music. Plus, I'm a "Warren guy" and I'll see anything he tours.  

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Nice.  I'm going to see him next Friday.  The setlists from this tour have been fantastic.  Enjoy and let me know how the show was.


The show was incredible. It was a bucket list show for me, and he and his band didn't disappoint. You're in for a treat. 

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Meat Hair isn't on the bill anyway (Faux Furrs & Big Syn are). I will be interested to see if they put a Wilco cover back in their set.

Meat Hair is the 3 dudes in Deep Sea Diver. They played 2 or 3 instrumental numbers to open the show I saw. I really liked it. Never heard so much rock that was based off the drumming more than anything else. With two real opener, I suppose they'll probably skip this.

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Meat Hair is the 3 dudes in Deep Sea Diver. They played 2 or 3 instrumental numbers to open the show I saw. I really liked it. Never heard so much rock that was based off the drumming more than anything else. With two real opener, I suppose they'll probably skip this.


Just coming back to say that Meat Hair did not perform and the show was very good. It must be weird to open for Wilco at a medium sized venue one night and play for 40 people in a club the next night. Jessica spoke about her admiration for Wilco, pleasure in being able to open the shows, and said she was still on cloud nine for playing onstage with them the night before. That led to her cover of Reservations which was good. 

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i went to see a night of experimental music last night w/ my son... we grabbed dinner before and as a result missed most of Forbes' set, a trumpeter who played with some backing tracks. was pretty good for the couple of minutes we saw. my friend Kate was next. she plays guitar in Major Stars and for tonight she had a half-dozen or so electric guitars and amps scattered amidst the cavernous interior of Boston City Hall, where she would gradually set up a noise loop on one and then move to the next, occasionally adding in some vocals along the journey to the next guitar station. pretty cool. 



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