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More on the "controversy"

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Guest Rufer

As I see it, as the DVR becomes more and more ubiquitous, the selling of rock songs by rock bands will become less and less profitable.


Notice the lack of value statement there--just a thought as to the future of this sort of thing.

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I bet you voted for the third one.


edit: that was for llynnowens, but it works for you, too.

I totally did but I had a smile on my face as I filled the little dot with my clicky love.

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Most people who use standard dvrs provided by their cable/satellite provider don't have the MythTV style automagic ad-skipping software and still watch commercials--and they might rewind and watch the really good ones again/closer. Cable and satellite provided DVRs don't seem to provide the ad-skipping function.


Here's how you can add a 30 second skip to your Comcast Motorola DVR remote:


The following technique can be used to map an unused or unneeded button on the "silver" remote to the 30-second skip command. Current versions of the i-Guide software will skip forward 30 seconds into a recording when this command is sent. A good choice is the 'A / Lock' button since many users don't need that function; you can feel both the '15-second-back' and '30-second-skip' buttons with one finger and move between them without looking. Another option is to reprogram the '15-second back' button, since PgDn already provides that functionality.


1. Press the "Cable" button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.

2. Press and hold the "Setup" button until the "Cable" button blinks twice.

3. Type in the code 994. The "Cable" button will blink twice.

4. Press (do not hold) the "Setup" button.

5. Type in the code 00173.

6. Press whatever button you want to map the 30-second skip command to (ex: A / Lock). The "Cable" button will blink twice if successful.


If you build your own MythTV/SageTV/BeyondTV DVR you'll have much more control over commercials--automatically skipping them, if you like--and

won't have to pay monthly subscription fees for the DVR box and service.



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I ain't Captain Walker. I'm the guy who carries Mr. Dead in his pocket.

If "Mr. Dead" means '74 SBDs, then you definitely get my vote for a mod. My .02 :thumbup

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Maybe we can get Dinosaur Jr. to sell us the rights to Mountain Man for the theme song.

Even better, the Allman's "Mountain Jam". Dig it, a 35 minute theme song! Imagine what that would do to folks with short attention spans! :lol

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the "controversy" seems to have found its way down here. this little blurb appeared in the MX newspaper in the "PSST" section:


"Wilco have defended a move to licence songs for use on Volkswagon ads, saying they find it hard to get radio play"

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I don't need a poll to tell me that there only needs to be one thread on a specific topic on a message board.



A-Man I get the feeling you are about to climb the virtual clock tower.

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"Goooood morning, Vietnammmmmmmm!"

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Guest ChooChooCharlie

This may be neither here nor there at this point, and like I've posted before on this board, I can't say that I've batted much of an eye over these much debated Volkswagen commercials. To be quite honest, if it weren't for reading your posts, I probably wouldn't have even known about them as my new laptop, nextflix account, and HBO On Demand have pretty much taken the place of commercial TV with regard to how I've been entertaining myself lately.


Admittedly, I can't say that I know a whole lot about the world of advertising, marketing, what have you. What I can tell you, is back in the day, I too, was the type of idealistic kid who would have rather died by the sword than share my favorite bands with the rest of the world...I've posted in here once before that I can remember refusing to make eye contact with some kid in my math class as he had the audacity to wear a Bauhaus tee shirt when I prided myself in being the only kid in school who owned a copy of "In the Flat field". When my middle school classmates were sporting Joshua Tree tee shirts in the hallway, I just about had to be carried by stretcher to the school nurses office from a severe case of nausea, as I was well convinced that none of these kids were even remotely familiar with October, Boy or War.

Ahhh yes..got to love the naivety of an angst ridden pre teen.


These days, I am a grown woman, trying to Ekkk out a living by making sure my passengers seat belts are securely fastened and taking the little bit of Rock an Roll spirit I have left down to the open mike on my corner, where I play to the handful of patrons who are deep in conversation amongst themselves. The other musicians who have come down to play that night, much like myself, have had a lifetime of being ignored by the public at large, so humility runs high, ego stays on the low, and we respectfully serve as each others audience..


Jeff Tweedy, by his own admission in another context, jokes as having been that stereotypical indie record store clerk who was full of musical elitist attitude and would stand there scoffing at the purchases of his customers. I'd be willing to bet that that's how a lot of us were, I for damn sure was, and maybe some of you younger ones still are.


But do you know what I really think when I hear The Stranglers "Golden Brown" selling ore-ida french fries or catch an episode of Friends where Moncia and Ross are dancing on an American Bandstand type show to a cover of Let's active "Every words means no"? I think it would have been nice to hear the original again, as I haven't had the pleasure of a Mitch Easter Vocal in a long time. It also then occurs to me that some of us former purchase scoffing, attitude coping, indie record store clerks from back in the day, grew up, chose a career and now are very obviously working in television or running ad agencies on Madison ave. Some of us became airline employees while still attempting to keep their Rock and Roll spirit afloat and yet- another is a beloved singer songwriter, who's incomparable songwriting talent has seen him through years of relentless touring, while trying to promote the records that some of his unforgiving public will insist upon each release , is a stylistic betrayal of sorts. Shall I even make mention of innocently being forced into the awkward position of poster boy for the atrocities committed by an industry who possess the power to delegate, who's lucky records will be heard that year, and who's won't.


To the Wilco fans out there who are hung up on hearing their favorite bands songs synced to a car commercial...It's cool..We get it..We really do. Capitalism can be disheartening and some could rightfully argue that money is the root of all evil. But life has a tendency to get complicated and not everything in the end turns out to be black and white.. Choosing your battles in life are sometimes simply, just that. I can tell you that my former purchase scoffing, attitude coping, indie record store clerk self, applauds your continued idealism.

But the jet lagged, exhausted, post 9/11, vastly underpaid and over scheduled flight attendant who writes this, has an entire catalogue of unheard songs to her name which will most likely remain unnoticed, despite years of self released records and unattended shows. I would be overjoyed at this point if an ad exec thought one of my tunes could help sell some clients refreshing breath mints or major kitchen appliance...but I digress as I am aware my personal agenda probably doesn't interest you all that much.


As far as Wilco is concerned..Your favorite band has decided to licence some of their songs to a series of Volkswagen ads. This upsets you and I understand where you are coming from. Honestly, I really do get it. But as much as some of us would like to be the seventh member of Wilco's current lineup, we simply are not in the band, and do not have a voice in their business decisions. I'm sure TMM are a very capable management team who act in the bands best interest. It really isn't necessary for anyone else to second guess their managerial decisions and try to Co-manage the band from the back seat. No one likes a Yoko.. Lets all just let the Wilco camp do their respective jobs while we play our part by listening to the music we obviously all dig.. And to the ones who will continue to cringe when these ads are aired, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't felt your pain at one time or another, but what are ya gonna do...life continues to goes on and you have the freedom to turn down any endorsement deal which may come your way in the future..

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Maybe this will make your day then.





(shockingly, there's a bunch of Lets Active stuff on there. i was feeling nostalgic went looking on a Friday night a month or 2 ago and kept myself entertained for awhile. I was a big Mitch Easter fan too. :wub )

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Guest ChooChooCharlie
Maybe this will make your day then.

(shockingly, there's a bunch of Lets Active stuff on there. i was feeling nostalgic went looking on a Friday night a month or 2 ago and kept myself entertained for awhile. I was a big Mitch Easter fan too. :wub )

WHY OH WHY does my high speed connection have to be down right now???? If "Room with view"is posted, I will surely need a kleenex to console my tears of Joy :D

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